Trip Cancellation

Why you might need trip cancellation & interruption insurance.

    After research on many travel sites and social media, you’re ready to show the world where you’re going and what you’ll be doing on your travels. Before you leave, you may want to pick up Trip Cancellation & Interruption Insurance. Why? You may actually need it.

    Golf course with man on the green taking a shot at the hole while his male companion holds the pin flag.

    Based on statistics from Orion Travel Insurance last year, one of the top reasons travellers had to cancel their trip was unexpected illness of the traveller themselves, an immediate family member or a travel companion. One of the top reasons a traveller’s trip was interrupted was because of a missed connection.

    The unexpected is unpredictable. Whether it’s catching a cold before you leave, or having a flight cancelled coming back home because of poor weather, Trip Cancellation & Interruption Insurance can help ensure your trip investment is protected.

    Top 5 reasons for trip cancellation **


    Traveller got sick
    Travel companion got sick
    Immediate family got sick
    Cancel for any reason
    Death of immediate family member

    ** Orion Travel Insurance Company 2023 Claim data

    Top 5 reasons for trip interruption **


    Missed Connection
    Traveller medical condition
    Death of immediate family member
    Travel companion medical condition
    Weather delay of 30% of the trip

    ** Orion Travel Insurance 2023 Claim data

    If illness prevents you from going on your trip, Trip Cancellation & Interruption Insurance may reimburse you for non-refundable, pre-paid travel expenses—like transportation or accommodations—up to the sum insured. Your trip investment could be saved and used for future travel when you’re better.

    If you had to stay at a hotel at the airport and pay for meals because your flight to destination was delayed for 48 hours because of a snowstorm, Trip Cancellation & Interruption Insurance could reimburse you for your accommodations and meals you paid for out of pocket because of this trip interruption.

    Trip Cancellation & Interruption Insurance is affordable

    When you compare the cost of Trip Cancellation & Interruption Insurance to the average cost of replacing a trip and the extra expenses that may occur if your trip is interrupted or delayed, it may be worth investing in the insurance.

    If you’ve already got Trip Cancellation & Interruption Insurance from other sources, like a credit card, review your travel insurance policy to ensure you’re carrying enough to cover the value of your trip and more for those unpredictable moments in travel. If you don’t have enough coverage, look into getting more coverage before you leave.

    As a CAA-owned company, Orion Travel Insurance is available through our partnerships with CAA Clubs. Learn more here.